About us
History of the Chorus The Community Chorus was founded in 1980 as an avenue for area singers to come together to share their gift of music with the community.At the time the chorus was founded, a large percentage of members were also members of Emanuel Church. They requested the use of its fellowship hall and sanctuary for rehearsal space and public concerts, and a long and satisfying relationship was formed which still exists today.
Our Statement of Purpose The Community Chorus is a mixed chorus of 40-60 men and women who sing four-part harmony. We often feature individual talent through solo work, ensembles, etc. We are a dedicated group of adults who give a commitment of time and talent to the chorus and the community at large through public appearances and community service sing-outs.
Steven Joyal, Director
Steven Joyal is best known around southeastern Wisconsin as a Choral Conductor and Music Teacher. This is his first season with Community Chorus, taking the baton from the previous director of nearly four decades, Jerry Jenkins, who recently passed away. Steve's experience and passion for choral music and love of teaching sync well with this enthusiastic and motivated group of singers.